Barron Park

Giving to Our Community

We Californians have collectively marked over 130 days of the shelter-in-place (SIP) order. Since March 16, my pledge to you has been that I would always be here for my neighbors, clients and friends during SIP and I’ve been unwavering in keeping that promise – even while doing it from my home office or kitchen table. In the midst of the challenges of the pandemic, my pledge to serve our community’s needs including fair housing and anti-discrimination has never been stronger.

Here are some of the ways I have and plan to continue to be of steadfast support:

  • In my neighborhood, assistance as Cool Block and Emergency Services VolunteerBarron Park Association Board Member, BPA Welcoming Committee ChairBarron Park Newsletter Proofreader, and as a Seniors Lunch Group, Happy Hour and Membership Committee Chair liaison, much happening during the “new now” virtually, in Zoom meetings.

  • Ad-hoc advisor to absentee landlords and their tenants, referring them to legal, landscaping, roofers, cleaners and other trusted service professionals, as needed, via email, text and phone.

  • Always happy and ready to share with neighbors, clients and friends referrals for contractors, termite and property inspectors – especially helping prospective sellers make decisions in preparation to sell their major asset for the most profit in the shortest time, making sure the process is easy on them, respecting  diversity and differences, while protecting and keeping them, their property and their prospective buyers safe.

  • Finally, would like to tell you how grateful I am to own my own home, to have lived in my wonderful neighborhood for the past 30+ years and – that along the way – I have been able to acquire skills and expertise to share with you, my neighbors, clients, friends and my community, 24/7!

Wishing you a wonderful week and that you stay safe and healthy!​

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